Linda’s Workshop Recipes

One secret to my recipes is that I always take time to gather the necessary ingredients and I always use “the real stuff”. Never use artificial flavorings, margarine’s, or quick oats. The results are not worth the effort. Keep in mind that you don’t eat these foods on a daily basis so a little splurge is okay. And besides, with all the controversy over what’s good for you and what’s not, who knows what to do? Be moderate. Eat sensibly. Cook with quality.

Kale and Quinoa Salad

Lamb Stew

Loved Grits


Forgotten Cookies

Hominy Stew

Eggplant Hummus

Amish Bread

Barley & White Bean Salad

Blackberry Cobbler

Breakfast Cheese Squares

Butternut Tortilla Soup

Chicken Divan

Chicken Marbella

Citrus Crunch Crumb Cake

Coconut Cake

Corn With Black-eyed Peas Salad

Cowboy Caviar

Crispy Cheesy Cookies

Delicious Gourmet Ice Tea

Fresh Garden Tart


Heath Bars

Lemon Lime Bars

Lentil & Bulgur Salad

Oatmeal Cookies

Old Fashioned Bread ‘Puddin’

Orange-Date Pumpkin Muffins


Seven Layer Salad

Spicy Kibasa And Tortilla Soup


Sweet Potato Biscuits

Sweet Potato Corn Chowder

Wheat Berry Waldorf Salad

Yum Yum Sticky Buns

Hot/Sweet Peppers


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