Eggplant Hummus

Trust me, it is really good and I don’t even like Eggplant all that much. It tastes good and is good for you.

1. Poke holes in an Eggplant before roasting it. Roast Eggplant, medium to large, at 375 for about 45-50 minutes turning it a few times. Use a tray for easy cleaning as it will drip. Cool. Peel off skin and scrape off all the meat. Set aside.

2. In a bowl combine:
• half cup of Tahini
• a bit of Olive Oil (1/4 cup or so)
• fresh lemon juice (juice of one – maybe two. Try before you add the 2nd one.)
• a couple of cloves of garlic well well chopped in a food processor.

3. Mix it with the eggplant. It is good if you can mix it all together well enough by hand but I can’t. So I pulse it all a few times in the food processor. You don’t want it to become mushy. You want it to have some body. You still want to see some of the seeds. It will thicken. Add a little water if necessary.

4. Add cumin (I add a good bit because I like it)

5. Add some smoky spice – paprika or Chipotle. Any will do. You don’t even have to add the paprika and it is still good.

6. Finish off with some sea salt.

7. Serve with crackers


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